miércoles, 16 de mayo de 2007

Cheer up**!

today I feel good...
The summer arrives...
The course finally...

I realized that next course a lot of thing's will change and perhaps I'm a little bit "losing" because I don't know what I want to do in my life.. but now I'm not worry about this...

Last Monday an english woman came to school to do an english chat. Her name's Kate. She live in Castelló for twelve years but she doesn't speak spanish or catalan.

First of all she gave us a quiz of Britain. She explain that Britain split into four countries: Northen Irland, Wales, Scotland and England.

Then she tell us that the Live society in Britain it's a little bit different that here. For example, here when you go out at night Night clubs and discos opent 11a.m to 6 a.m. In Britain Night clubs open 10 to 1 a.m. That is because in Britain the dinner is at 6-7 p.m more less and for this they begin the night more early that here.

The other different thing is that here people don't have free time. Children , for example, go to school at 9 a.m to 5 p.m, after this they have extra-classes, homework's time, dinner's time and finally bed's time... it's very rutine! in Britain, english children go to school at 9 a.m to 3 p.m then they have free time. Furthermore, Britain studients have only three subjects that they choose (if I were there I would have chemistry, Biology and science, for example). Here you have ten subjects and some you'll never need these.

To sum up I would say that I really like this chat because I learned a lot of thisngs about english society and I understand all more less because Kate spoke clearly and slowly. I think that this chat is a Great idea!


Yesterday night I saw my favourite film called Salvador. The film’s plot is about a young anarchic man who arrest unfairly and the police blame him for the police’s dead because when went to arrest Salvador it had a shoot out and the police and Salvador were hurt. All the film is that he was in the prison before to be judge and he reminds how he started his politic life, he reminds his three sisters, his first love etc. In the film you can appreciated the injustice in Franco’s Dictatorship time. I cry a lot because finally they sentenced him to death and this film is a real event